The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization that witnesses to its principles of charity, unity and fraternity through spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. General Meeting 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Officers Meeting 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Santa Maria Assembly 4th Degree Meeting 4th Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Newsletter

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.” Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. Find us on Facebook California State Court Website

The Catholic Ladies Relief Society's mission is to increase charity to all, to support community charitable organizations, to promote the advancement of its members through acts of faith, hope and charity, to found new relief societies, and to assist the bishop and clergy in their work. The Catholic Ladies Relief Society supply basic food needs for approximately 300 people a month. The food locker is opened every Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Meeting 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. Newsletter

Yuba-Sutter Right to Life, to respect life means to honor life as sacred from the moment of conception until natural death - whether a human person's body consists of only two cells, or whether it is sick and suffering in old age. Meetings 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Brides room of the St. Isidore church in Yuba City. Everyone is welcome, please call 673-1437 for details. If you have baby items to donate or would like to learn how you can volunteer, please contact A Women's Friend.
St. Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph's, Marysville Conference
Are you interested in serving people in need? Please consider joining Saint VIncent de Paul's, Saint Joseph's Conference in Marysville. Meetings are on the first and third Thursday at 6:00p.m. in the front hall athe the church, but currently they are being held via conference calls. In February and March , SVdP's in Marysville assisted in helping 8 families with rent, utility bills, car repairs and car insurance totaling $2,841.31. Any questions? E-mail SVdP's at svdpys@gmail.com or call 530-454-5606. Our Mission Statement- A network of friends, inspired by the Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to the people in need. |

Guadalupanos is a Spanish-speaking group of the parish which fosters devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and plans the annual celebration for the Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The celebration begins on December 3rd with a "novena" every evening at 7:00 p.m. until December 11th. On December 12th, the celebration begins with the mañanitas or morning celebrations at 5:00 a.m. Mañanitas are a traditional way of greeting someone on their birthday by singing them awake. In this celebration for the Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mass includes mariachi and a dynamic sermon which enlivens the people's faith and helps them to understand the importance of living their faith every day. During the rest of the year, the group meets every Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, click here.