
Are you 17 years old or older and are? Unbaptized and need spirituality in your life?Baptized but never received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation? Married to a Catholic, attending Mass with your spouse, and you are interested in becoming more familiar with the faith? A non-Catholic and would like to know more about the faith? Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Inquiry Sessions are exactly what your need! If you interest in more information, please contact the parish office.
Our goal is to instruct adults in the fundamentals of the Faith and to prepare those who seek to become a Catholic formal entry into the church. Our "Rite of Christian Initiation" classes serve adults seeking entry into the Catholic Church through catechism and through celebration of the various rites in the initiation process.
Our goal is to instruct adults in the fundamentals of the Faith and to prepare those who seek to become a Catholic formal entry into the church. Our "Rite of Christian Initiation" classes serve adults seeking entry into the Catholic Church through catechism and through celebration of the various rites in the initiation process.